Welcome to VetSurgInfo site! Look below for further information on various small animal surgical diseases and treatment options. This may be helpful for both veterinarians, veterinarian support team members and owners. The goal is to describe disease conditions, congenital abnormalities, breed specific conditions, trauma and degenerative disease conditions that may benefit from surgery. The surgical process is also described for clarity for owners and improvement of technique for veterinarians. Please see Picture Gallery (header) for interesting cases. Enjoy!

Surgical Tips for Greyhound Owners and their Veterinarians.
Because Greyhounds are not “normal” dogs. This covers bloodwork, perioperative bleeding solutions, surgical conditions, as well as bandaging tips and aftercare tips.

TPLO Recovery Tips
From harnesses to cones to sedation, we have help for you to survive and even thrive with your dog’s TPLO recovery.

Is the TPLO really the best fit for my dog’s knee injury?
Is the TPLO really a good choice for my dog’s knee surgery?
Episioplasty: the surgical helper for chronic urinary tract infections in young dogs.

Folded-Flap Palatoplasty: the better way to improve brachycephalics.

Proper treatment of distal radius and ulnar fracture in toy breeds: the answer is surgical.
Toy breed dogs are known to be jumpers. Unfortunately between jumps, falls and drops, these dogs are prone to fractures of the forelimbs, specifically the distal radius and ulna. Typically, splinting of these fractures fails and here is why:

Medial Patellar Luxation in Cats: Keeping MPLs on your radar for feline patients.
Medial patellar luxation (MPL) is most commonly appreciated in dogs. Cats, however, can have debilitating lameness from medial patellar luxation. Unlike dogs, some cases feline cases can resolve their lameness without surgery. Higher grade luxations may do better with surgical correction. Persistent lameness is an indication for surgery. Cats can do very well with surgical correction with similar techniques used dogs.

Simple Technique to Improve Cosmetics Post Enucleation
Most of us veterinarians will do an enucleation or several during our careers. Here are some simple tips to improve outcomes.